改善?Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2011From the bottom of my heart, I 酒肉朋友apologize ... I want to take this opportunity to help and not 酒店經紀hurt. · TRACY MORGAN,· 新成屋 co-star of 30 Rock, apologizing in 租辦公室Nashville on Tuesday for the anti-gay comments he made during a 酒店工作stand-up routine in the city earlier this month30Rock 的配角因對同室內設計志出言不遜, 趕緊出面道歉“我誠心的道歉, 希望藉此機會幫忙不是傷害”個人信貸 當”實習醫生”收視率正好時, 其中一人也因對主角的性向做出評語, 馬澎湖民宿上丟了工作, 即使道歉也沒改善,最近才說澳洲某資深主撥因對華人說出不房屋出租適當的話, 丟了工作Read more: 租辦公室http://www.time.com/time/quotes/0,26174,2079245,00.html #ixzz1PybW6Ip3

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